
<J10000特別価格品>Zゲージ新春おみくじ / Z gauge New year fortune slip

¥10,000 税込

なら 手数料無料で 月々¥3,330から




大吉:国鉄 C11 蒸気機関車 251号機 お召し仕様
中吉:国鉄EF81形電気機関車 81号機 お召し仕様・国鉄113系2000番代 湘南色 4両基本セット
小吉:国鉄 14系特急形客車 4両基本セット・115系1000番代 長野色 3両セット・国鉄 50系客車0番代 4両基本セット・EF65形電気機関車 2000番代 2127号機 JR貨物更新色
吉:DD51 842号機 お召し仕様・DE10 1000番代 1099号機 朱色 東武鉄道DL「大樹」・DE10 1000番代 1109号機 東武鉄道DL「大樹」

<Please read before purchasing.>
■Inventory will be registered after sales begin. Please read the following holding guidelines carefully in advance to understand the details, as there are some points that differ from the normal sales process.

<Event details>
■This is a limited time offer product. (Orders will be taken until 0am Japan time on January 31, 2025.)
■You can't wait to see which one you will receive! You will receive Z gauge cars with a price range from ¥10,780 to ¥16,280 including tax. Try your luck in the New Year!
■Please be sure to enter one of the numbers from 0 to 9 in the “Remarks” column on the cart page for the number of items you purchased. The number will determine the product you win. (If you do not fill in the form, we will send you a confirmation e-mail.)
■The pattern of which product corresponds to which number changes with each shipment date.
■To ensure the transparency of the lottery, the corresponding numbers will be published on the product page after the sales period (about one week).
■Prizes are as follows.
Great fortune:T019-7
Moderate Fortune:T015-5,T001-1
Slight Fortune:T006-1,T011-6,T014-2,T035-6
■We will prepare the prizes well in advance, but in case we run out of the prizes, we will send you the prize corresponding to the next number after the number you entered. Please understand this in advance.
■In a case (there may be some slips and scratches).
■Please check the product page of each vehicle for details of the product itself.

  • 送料・配送方法について

  • お支払い方法について

¥10,000 税込
