SS002-2 Zショーティーミニレイアウトセット<トンネルタイプ>専用情景セット (Z SHORTY MINI LAYOUT SPECIAL SCENERY SET (TUNNEL TYPE))
¥6,578 税込
なら 手数料無料で 月々¥2,190から
PKGサイズ、寸法 (高さ×奥行×横幅)14×21.5×25((cm)
本体サイズ、寸法 (高さ×奥行×横幅)13×20.5×24(cm)
素材 ABS
本製品はZショーティー専用に開発された、手軽に遊ぶことのできる完成品ジオラマレイアウト、SS002-1 Zショーティーミニレイアウトセット<トンネルタイプ>(別売)に対応した情景部品やシーナリー各種、専用の透明防塵カバーが一まとめになったセットです。
Made in china
【Set Contents】
Shop C (brown) x 1, hut x 1, display cover x 1, powders x 1 bag each, passenger car x 2, cow x 2, trees (dark green) x 8, trees (green) x 12 trees, trees (yellowish green) x 6, foliage (dark green, green) x 1 bag each, ballast (gray) x 1 bag, tunnel portal (A, B) x 1 each, guardrail (long) x 4, guardrail (short) x 4, street light x 8, fence (brown) x 2, railroad crossing (Japanese type) x 4
PKG size: Dimension (height x depth x width) 14 x 21.5 x 25 (cm)
Body size: Dimension (height x depth x width) 13 x 20.5 x 24 (cm)
Material: ABS
1/220 size tiny model railroad Z gauge car,
Z Shorty is a model railroad that is only half the length!
Although it is a deformed model, the attention to detail remains the same.
By combining the separately sold power chassis and trailer chassis with the vehicle,
It is also possible to run like a regular Z-gauge car(train) !!
【Product features and usage, etc.】
It is an easy-to-play finished product diorama layout developed exclusively for Z Shorty, SS002-1 Z Shorty Mini Layout Set (Tunnel Type) (sold separately) for various scene parts and scenery. A set of transparent dustproof covers.
You can make it according to the sample, or you can add further arrangements, and it is the best product for getting started with making diorama layouts.
Target age 15 years and over.
¥6,578 税込